Hands on the Circle (HonC!) Stay and Play Groups

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These weekly stay and play sessions in Trumpington are for babies and pre-school children and their parents/carers. They are run by Connected Lives, a charity that supports healthy connections through building resilience and attachment.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • sessions provide a relaxed space where children and parents/carers can socialise and have fun;
  • you can connect with other parents who can help you to celebrate your parenting successes and the group will support you through any struggles;
  • the organisers facilitate craft activities with a positive focus for you and your child to reflect on together.

What to expect

Hands on the Circle (HonC!) stay and play groups offer a relaxed environment to play with your child(ren), chat with other parents/carers and share your experiences. There are soft play areas for the children to explore. There are also craft sessions, storytelling sessions and sing-alongs. Snacks and refreshments are provided. You are recommended to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting messy!

The sessions run on Wednesday mornings at Clay Farm Community Centre. For full details and timings visit the Connected Lives website.

There is no need to pre-book, you can just go along and register at your first session. All venues have wheelchair access, food, toilets and baby changing units. Parking is on street and usually available.

More information

Connected Lives is a charity supporting healthy, life-changing connections between parents and children. It offers effective, evidence-based support to build resilience and attachment at the earliest stage of key relationships. As well as these Honc! Stay and Play sessions they also run parenting courses, talks and events. Find out more about these other by visiting this webpage.

Badge reading 'Free'

Connected Lives run a baby clothes hub which provides free clothing for babies under 2 years. They also give gift boxes to the families of new babies.

Badge showing a pound sign

There is a small weekly charge to attend the Stay and Play sessions. Full details on the Connected Lives website.

How to contact

Where to go

Clay Farm Community Centre Hobson Square
Cambridge CB2 9FN

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