REDS is an NHS service for people aged 18+ who experience difficulties associated with strong emotions and interpersonal relationships. It is accessed via a referral from your GP and offers choice in the style and content of your treatment.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire
Chesterton Medical Centre 35 Union Lane Cambridge CB4 1PX
Meet the REDS team:
Hear from a person who attended the Making Connections talking about how the sessions were for them, how they benefited and some thoughts for people who may be unsure whether the programme is for them:
What to expect
Referral to REDS is initially via your GP who will arrange an assessment by a mental health practitioner, either online or in person.
Once you have been referred you will be invited to two introductory workshops which will outline the types of difficulties you may be experiencing, how they may have arisen and why this means you struggle with your emotions. This segment is called ‘Is this for Me?’ and is a useful beginning, helping to set outcome expectations. You will also be introduced to a choice of two treatment options which you can choose one of, or complete both in succession. These are:
- Peer Support Group Programme
A 12-week group programme, led by CPSL Mind, with a different theme each week. Participants will be asked to consider some relevant psycho-educational material and will be given space to consider their own experiences in relation to each topic. This course is a good choice for those who benefit from an informal atmosphere and time to think about their own challenges. The peer support received in this group dynamic is an important aspect of the sessions. - Making Connections (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Group)
A 16-week group programme, facilitated by NHS Psychological Practitioners, based on psychoeducational skills. Sessions draw heavily on Dialectical Behavioural Therapy principles. Pilot study results indicate that this treatment is effective treatment for people with mild-moderate symptoms of emotional dysregulation, possibly associated with a personality disorder. This programme is particularly suitable for people who may engage in harmful or low-level risky behaviours who can still benefit from psychoeducation, possessing the organisational skills to attend group and individual sessions over the full period, the determination to try to do things differently, and the resilience to respond to feedback.
Both include one-to-one support which can be planned with course leaders if it would be helpful.
More information
Service users who complete the Making Connections course may go on to self-refer to the Mentalization Based Therapy programme, details of which will be given upon completion.
REDS is delivered online. You will need access to an email address, and an internet enabled device with a working camera. Please note that the treatment programme is group based.
CPFT’s website also includes some useful self-help information which are aimed at both professionals and people who are accessing REDS, covering a broad range of topics. Other mental health support information can be found on the Keep Your Head website
Other sources of support you can self-refer to (without a GP or health professional referral) can be found in the self-referral section of the How Are You South Cambs website.
REDS is free to access.
If you need support with your mental health, remember you can always reach out to your GP. If you need urgent help, please call the First Response Service on the NHS 111 helpline and select the mental health option.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire
Chesterton Medical Centre 35 Union Lane Cambridge CB4 1PX