Cambridgeshire Music

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Cambridgeshire Music is the county's music service, providing music lessons, bands/ensembles, courses, workshops, events and activities across all styles of music and for all age groups, as well as arts therapies. Cambridgeshire Music is based in Histon.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • whether performing or being in the audience, music connects people;
  • learning to play an instrument is good for the brain and performing boosts confidence;
  • music is for everyone – there’s no barrier to enjoying music.

Music education:
As the county music service and lead partner for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Music Education Hub (CPMEH), Cambridgeshire Music supports music education in schools, meeting the objectives of the National Plan for Music Education.

Workshops & events:
Accelerate extension activity days and performing arts workshops for young musicians and performers during term time and school holidays.

Individual learning:
Individual vocal and instrument tuition for primary & secondary age students, young people and adults, Grade 5 Music Theory courses and professional grade examinations are available.

The Academy offers a comprehensive package of instrument hire, music lessons, ensemble activities and music theory study for young musicians (including Creative Music Technology and rock/pop).  Signing up for The Academy is a year-long commitment with several in-person sessions each week during term time at Cambridgeshire Music’s base in Histon.

Choirs & ensembles:
Cambridgeshire County Youth Choir for Grade 3+ young singers.

Cambridge-Heidelberg-Montpellier Youth Orchestra meets every summer in one of the cities involved, with 25 young players from each country.

Cambridgeshire County Youth Orchestra and Chamber Ensembles offers a combination of ensemble and orchestral experience on a termly basis for those playing their orchestral instruments at Grade 6 standard and above.

Open Mic Nights:
Free to attend and are held once a month on Fridays at 7pm – anyone can come along and play an instrument, sing or be a member of the audience. All genres welcome! If you’d like to perform, register your interest by sending an email to [email protected] (use subject heading Open Mic Night)

Dust It Off Orchestra:
An adult ensemble for people who want to play with others – open to all orchestral instrumentalists of all abilities. Email [email protected] if you’d like to know more or to sign up.

Arts therapies:
A team of therapists working with children, young people and adults with physical, emotional or psychological needs, learning disability and dementia, either individually or in small groups using music and drama therapy. More information and a referral form here.

All lessons and activities (except Open Mic Nights and Dust It Off Orchestra) require payment in advance. See website for details.

Cambridgeshire Music can hire or lend instruments and also offers bursaries for low income families to buy instruments or pay for music lessons.

How to contact

Where to go

Cambridgeshire Music
New School Road
CB24 9LL

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