Living Sport: Inclusive Activities and Sports

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There are many sports clubs and organisations in South Cambs that offer either disability specific activities or inclusive activities, to give everyone a great sporting experience. Living Sport has mapped many of them for you so you can find a group or activity near you.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • taking part in sport and physical activity not only improves physical health, it also improves mental wellbeing – it can improve self esteem, confidence and a sense of purpose;
  • exercise helps manage low mood, stress and anxiety;
  • volunteering in sport and physical activity supports people to connect with others, to give back to the community and meet new friends.

“I found the sessions helped me to both unwind and be more aware of my posture and negative thoughts… My sleep pattern has improved as a result… I felt more relaxed for the rest of the day.”

Map of inclusive sport activities

From archery to trampolining, boccia to sailing, Living Sport has compiled a huge range of inclusive activities across South Cambridgeshire and beyond.  Take a look at this map to find what is near you.

Living Sport also has  further resources for disability sport, including guides for specific impairments, links to local support, a newsletter and more.

Using the map is free, but some activities may ask for a fee or donation – check the Living Sport map for information.

How to contact

Where to go

Available Throughout South Cambs

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