Men's Sheds or Community Sheds are shared workshops where you can enjoy fixing and making things in the company of others. Many come just for the tea and banter, and people of any skill/experience over the age of 18 are welcome.
This activity is good for wellbeing because
- meeting people with similar interests can lead to new friendships;
- learning new skills is useful & stimulating;
- getting out of the house and doing something different gives you a sense of achievement.
“I’ve never watched daytime TV and I don’t intend to start now! I missed the camaraderie of work desperately when I retired – Crafts Shed in Bar Hill picked me up off the floor.” Chris, Crafts Shed
How to contact
Where to go
The Cambridge Men's Shed
Madingley Hall
CB23 8AQ
Crafts Shed
The Octagon
Bar Hill Church
Bar Hill
CB23 8EH
Cambourne Men's Shed
The Old Forge Men's Shed
Church Street
Cambridge CB24 9EP
Sheddit! 15 Market Street
CB24 4QG
What to expect
Men’s Sheds, Community Sheds or just Sheds are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Community Sheds are the opposite. They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.
Sheds are whatever the members (or Shedders) want them to be. Many Sheds get involved in community projects too – restoring village features, helping maintain parks and green spaces, and building things for schools, libraries and individuals in need.
Sheds in South Cambs are open at different times/dates depending on the location – contact shed organisers for details via the Men’s Shed Association website.
Sheds are for anyone age 18+ (including women) – you can have lots of practical experience or none.
More information
Crafts Shed in Bar Hill is without a premises at present but has a meet-up every Thursday from 9.30-11.45am at Bar Hill Church’s Octagon.
Sheddit! in Swavesey is open every week day from 10am – 12noon. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Cambourne Men’s Shed uses a converted outbuilding at Madingley Hall, kindly supported by the Cambridge Men’s Shed whilst a permanent venue in Cambourne is set-up. If you’d like to become a member then please contact [email protected] for more information.
There is an annual membership fee for joining a shed, plus a small charge for refreshments. For more details, check with the shed organiser in your area – contact information can be found on the Men’s Shed weblink above.
Membership of Sheddit! in Swavesey is free.
Membership of Cambourne Men’s Shed is currently free.
How to contact
Where to go
The Cambridge Men's Shed
Madingley Hall
CB23 8AQ
Crafts Shed
The Octagon
Bar Hill Church
Bar Hill
CB23 8EH
Cambourne Men's Shed
The Old Forge Men's Shed
Church Street
Cambridge CB24 9EP
Sheddit! 15 Market Street
CB24 4QG