Total Arts Mini Bytes is Cambridge Junction’s fortnightly participation group for disabled children aged 9 -13yrs. Get creative and express yourself through exciting arts activities with professional artists.
This activity is good for wellbeing because
- it allows young people to develop communication skills, confidence and the ability to work creatively with others;
- it fosters a passion for the arts;
- sessions are supported and facilitated by trained support workers and artists.
“It’s excellent. Perfect for children with disabilities. Leaders are properly trained experienced experts.” Parent of participant.
How to contact
Where to go
Cambridge Junction
Clifton Way
Cambridge CB1 7GX
This video introduces Total Arts – the participation group for the older age group. Mini Bytes sessions are similar activity sessions, for young people aged 9-13 years.
What to expect
Cambridge Junction has successfully worked with disabled young creatives aged 13 – 25 for over 10 years, through their Total Arts programme. They have now extended their offer to young people aged 9 – 13yrs with with Total Arts Mini Bytes!
The group meet fortnightly on a Saturday. Young people work alongside other disabled young artists, professional filmmakers and facilitators to create innovative short films. They can get involved in all stages of filmmaking from devising and script writing to directing, shooting, performing and editing. They can also learn skills in animation. During the sessions young people receive quality care from a team of skilled support workers.
Through participating, young people can gain an Arts Award through Trinity College London – a unique and nationally recognised qualification to develop creativity and confidence.
More information
There are limited places for these sessions, so if you are interested email the coordinator to reserve your child’s space: [email protected].
For more information about the course visit the Cambridge Junction website.
The first two terms of MiniBytes are being run by Cambridge Junction free of charge.
After the first two terms participants will need to pay per session to attend. Placement is usually funded through participants’ PIP/DLA/short breaks funding. Contact the Cambridge Junction for more information.
How to contact
Where to go
Cambridge Junction
Clifton Way
Cambridge CB1 7GX