Saturdads at St John’s Church Waterbeach

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Held in the Church Room at St John's Church in Waterbeach every month, Saturdads is a chance for dads, grandads and male carers to get together with their babies, toddlers and children for playing, chatting and sausage butties. For people of all faiths and none.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • it’s a good way to get out of the house and have something to do on a Saturday morning;
  • you’ll meet other dads and male carers;
  • it gives wives and partners a break for a couple of hours and it keeps the children busy!

“Saturdads gives us something to do plus I can meet other dads. There aren’t many groups like this for men and their families so it makes a nice change.”

Meet Paul and James who host Saturdads:

What to expect

Hosted by Paul (the Vicar) and James (the Church Warden) who are both dads themselves, Saturdads is an opportunity for dads, grandads and male carers to go somewhere friendly and welcoming with their children. There’s lots of toys for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and primary school aged children to play with. Dads and male carers keep an eye on the children, but can chat and enjoy tea/coffee and sausage butties. The children can get drinks and snacks too. It’s informal, non-religious and there’s no singing or organised activities!

More information

Held on the first Saturday of each month between 9.30am – 11.30am (not including December – to check when it is on, visit the Church Facebook page). No need to book, just drop-in and stay for as long as you want.

There’s ample free parking behind the Church (go down the gravel drive to the right of the Church), plus space for bikes/push-chairs. Baby changing facilities are provided.


Sessions are £1.50 per family – pay on the day with cash or there’s a card machine.

How to contact

Where to go

St. John the Evangelist
Station Road
Cambridge CB25 9HT

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