Domestic abuse is any type of abuse from someone you have (or have had) a relationship with, including a family member. South Cambs District Council provides advice and information for people experiencing domestic abuse, and can help you if you are at risk of homelessness.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire District
Domestic abuse is a crime, whatever form it takes and however it affects your life. Domestic abuse can affect anyone and includes physical, financial, emotional, sexual or psychological abuse. Abusive behaviour includes acting in a controlling, coercive or threatening manner. Typical actions might include demanding you keep the house in a specific way, taking your money, stopping you seeing your friends and family, or threatening your children or pets.
If you are at risk of homelessness because you are fleeing domestic abuse, then South Cambs District Council can help you prepare to leave and find a refuge, or can help you secure your home, so you can stay there safely. The Housing Advice & Homelessness Team can advise on tenancy issues including:
- occupation orders
- joint tenancies
- homelessness
Contact the Housing Advice & Homelessness Team via the email address or telephone number provided, and they will arrange a time to talk to you.
More information
Always call 999 in an emergency. If you are unable to talk, stay on the line and press 55 when prompted. Contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 for help and support.
There's information about national and local organisations and services that can help people experiencing domestic abuse on the South Cambs District Council website - take a look on this link.
The domestic abuse outreach service across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is DASS (Domestic Abuse Support Service), which you can contact on 0300 373 1073. Find out more on this link DASS | IMPAKT Housing & Support
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire District