HI Friends End of Life Support Worker

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If you or someone you love is facing the end of life, it can make a difficult time more bearable to have practical and emotional advice to help you plan and prepare.

“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can to not only help you die peacefully, but also to live well until you die” – Dame Cicely Saunders

Jo Franklin, a nurse with over 20 years experience of supporting dying people and their families, is the End of Life Support Worker for Histon & Impington. Jo’s role is to help people plan and prepare by discussing and advising on a range of concerns including:

  • discussions around preferred place of care and preferred place for last days of life;
  • what can be done to manage pain, discomfort or distress;
  • what to expect during the process of dying;
  • what to do in the aftermath of death and any legal/practical requirements;
  • funeral planning.

Jo doesn’t offer medical advice or emergency support, but her nursing experience means that she is used to working alongside doctors, District Nurses, hospices, funeral directors and other professionals. She cares very deeply about taking good end of life care back to the people who matter, and helping families live with the uncertainty of a terminal diagnosis. Her calm manner and sensitive listening skills, combined with her professional experience, enable people to talk about what is worrying them and/or their wishes for the last few weeks, days or hours of life.

If you or a family member  is preparing for end of life care and lives in, or has connections to, Histon and Impington, you can contact Jo via [email protected]

Additional Palliative Care Support:

In Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialists are now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can contact the service by calling 111 and selecting option 3 to speak to a clinical nurse specialist. This free service is available to patients, relatives, friends and all healthcare professionals.

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This service is free and delivered by HI Friends.









How to contact

Where to go

Histon and Impington

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