Homelessness Advice - South Cambs District Council

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If you are at risk of becoming homeless or are worried about your housing situation, South Cambs District Council can advise and support you.

What to expect

If you are a resident of South Cambridgeshire and are at risk of losing your home then you can contact South Cambs District Council. The Council has a duty to prevent homelessness and will help you stay in your home or find other suitable accommodation. An adviser will talk to you in confidence about your circumstances and will explain:

  • your housing rights and options;
  • what help is available if you become homeless.

If you are at risk of losing your home because you can't afford to pay your rent or mortgage, you can work with an Income Maximisation adviser to ensure you are claiming everything you are entitled to and reducing your costs. They can also help you with budgeting. There's more information about other sources of financial support and information on this link.

If you are at risk of losing your home due to relationship breakdown, there's more information on this link.

If you are fleeing your home due to domestic abuse, there's more information on this link.

If you are a young person leaving care or Youth Detention, there's more information on this link.

Contact the Housing Advice & Homelessness Team via the email address or telephone number provided, and they will arrange a time to talk to you.

If you are homeless as a result of an emergency and need help outside of normal office hours call 01253 501117.

More information

If you are a professional and you are concerned that someone you are supporting or working with might be at risk of homelessness, then you can make a referral on their behalf on this link. You will need to give:

  • the person's basic details (name, date of birth, contact information, last known address);
  • why they are homeless or threatened with homelessness;
  • how you are supporting them.

Some public bodies have a duty of care to report risk of homelessness - find out more here.

If you see someone sleeping rough, you can inform:

  • CGL Street Outreach team on 01223 366292
  • Streetlink website
  • call 999 or 111 (choosing the mental health option if you think the person is experiencing a mental health crisis) if you see someone who is in need of immediate medical attention or you are worried about their safety.

How to contact

Where to go

Available throughout South Cambridgeshire District

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