It Takes A Village

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An informal and supportive group run by parents for parents and carers of children and young people facing mental health challenges. Though the group meets in Melbourn, you don't have to be a resident of the village to attend - anyone is welcome.

If you are the parent or carer of a child or young person who struggles with their mental health, you may feel like you are alone, and that there is no-one else who understands your situation or the challenges you are facing.

This supportive group has been set up by parents, for parents as a safe and non-judgemental space where you can share the day-to-day trials and triumphs of parenting your child.  You can talk, listen or just ‘be’ around people who understand.

‘It Takes A Village’ is an informal, non-professional, non-clinical space where experiences can be shared.  Confidentiality will be respected, though Safeguarding and Child Protection is a priority at all times.

If you would like to attend the group, contact either Steph or Pilan for dates/times:

  • Steph Trayhurn (It Takes A Village Coordinator) on 07710 198299
  • Pilan Ramiah (It Takes A Village Facilitator) on 07815 764606

You don’t have to be a parent or carer living in Melbourn to attend – anyone from anywhere is welcome.

There is ample parking at the venue.

Attending the group is free – refreshments will be provided.

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How to contact

Where to go

The Pavilion
The Moor
Royston SG8 6EF

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