Make Lunch Linton

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School holidays can be difficult for families whose children would normally receive a free, cooked school meal in term time. Make Lunch Linton provides a free, healthy cooked lunch once a week in the school holidays for all the family - as well as friendship and fun.

As well as a cooked lunch once a week in the school holidays (including half term), Make Lunch Linton also offers:

Make Lunch Linton is a safe space to meet friends and spend time together with a cup of tea or coffee.

Family learning
Providing crafts, games and other activities for the younger members of the family to keep them entertained, with special activities to support learning too.

More info:

Check the website or Facebook page for details of times and dates.

Make Lunch Linton is for families receiving pupil premium funding (‘free school meals’) or experiencing other difficulties that mean they would benefit from additional support.

You don’t need a professional referral, all a you need to do is contact Sarah at Make Lunch Linton via email to book places for you and your children.

All staff and volunteers are Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked and Make Lunch Linton has a safeguarding policy that is regularly reviewed.

If you aren’t sure if Make Lunch Linton is suitable for you, then email Sarah – she’d be happy to help.

Meals and activities provided by Make Lunch Linton are free.

free icon



How to contact

Where to go

Linton CE Infant School
Church Ln
Cambridge CB21 4JX

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