Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (CAP) is dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They offer several services that help support carers of older people.
How to contact
Volunteering opportunities
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire District
What to expect
Age UK CAP (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough) offers a wide range of services that can help you as a carer. Click on the title of each to be taken to the relevant webpage on their site for more information:
Information and Advice
Telephone support to help alleviate worry and anxiety, make informed decisions, and guide you to appropriate services.
Girton Older Residents’ Co-ordinator
Assistance with forms and applications including welfare benefits, blue badges and grants etc, information about and/or referral to social groups and leisure activities, help to access a variety of services.
Community Wardens
Daily contact (Mon-Fri) to check on well-being and do any small errands needed, e.g shopping, telephone calls, opening, reading, dealing with post, making medical appointments and assisting with travel arrangements, posting items for you, watering plants, or linking to other services. Can support carers.
Handyperson Service
Delivering practical solutions to people living in their own home, so they can remain safe, independent and enjoy it more. For example: falls prevention, general DIY, home energy checks and actions to reduce your energy bills, and making adaptions to your home, or garden that can help you to move about such as grabrails and additional stair banisters.
Carers can also benefit from respite when their older loved one participates in one of Age UK CAP’s social opportunities:
- Sharing Time
Free home visits to reduce isolation and loneliness, providing one to one companionship/friendship. Chatting, sharing hobbies and interests, a listening ear.
More information
If you are interested in any of these opportunities or services, contact Age UK CAP via email or telephone.
If you live in Girton, you can contact the Age UK CAP Girton Older Residents’ Coordinator via email for information.
Different costs apply depending on the service and your circumstances – contact Age UK CAP for more information.
How to contact
Volunteering opportunities
Where to go
Available throughout South Cambridgeshire District